Landlord's Property Detail Questionnaire

Property Address:

Why This Form Is Important

From experience, Landlords rarely have all the details in one place. Many are missing important bits of information and so part of the service we provide is to safely store all the information in one place so by completing this form the information will be stored in our database and you will have access to this information whenever you want it. Once you submit this form you will receive a copy of all your answers, once your application is approved you will have your own login to our system to view and update your details. We also require much of this information to meet our regulatory requirements. Letting your property is subject to more than 175 different pieces of legislation, all of which can expose you to varying degrees of risk including financial and criminal fines and convictions. So now more than ever we need this detail to be as up to date and correct as possible.

Section A. Landlord/Landlords Representative

"In completing this form you confirm you have authority to complete on behalf of all owners of the property. Use this form to add a property or complete the details we require for a property. We cannot accept responsibility where you have answered 'Don't know' in fields. However we are happy to work with you to find this information. "

Landlord Name:

Landlord Email:

Landlord Main Phone:

Section B. Property Details

Type of Property:

What floor is the property on?:

Property To Be Rented:

What are you rent expectations per month?:

Marketing Documents:

Section C. Ownership & Management

Did you buy this property through an affiliated company?:

Who owns the property? (List):

How do you currently manage this property?:

What is the legal status of the property?:

Expected Completion Date:

When did you become the legal owner of this property?:

Section D. Council Tax & Licensing

Which council is your property situated in?:

Which Council Tax band does this property fall within?:

Does your property require a Selective Licence or HMO Licence?:

Have you applied for a landlord Licence?:

What are your licence details? (List):

Section E. Parking :

How many car parking spaces does this property have?:

What Parking arrangements are there?:

Parking details:

Section F. Building Restrictions/Conditions:

Is your property in a designated conservation area?:

Is your property a listed building?:

Listed Building details:

Is the planned HS2 rail link or construction of any other major infrastructure to pass within one mile of this property?:

Infrastructure details:

Section G. Changes To The Property

Have there been any structural alterations; additions or extensions to the property?:

Has there been a major repair or replacement to any part of the roof since you purchased the property?:

Structural Alterations details:

Was Building Control approval obtained?:

Was planning permission obtained?:

Was a completion certificate obtained?:

Was listed building consent obtained?:


Structural Permissions:

Section H. Utilities/Services

A. Is there central/partial central heating in your property?:

When was the central/partial central heating system installed?:

Type of Central Heating:

Is there a maintenance contract in place for the central/partial central heating system?:

If 'Yes' please provide the date of expiry of the contract, if known.:

Has the primary heating system in your property been serviced?:

Primary heating system serviced Date?:

Do you have a valid Gas Safety Certificate?:

If 'Yes' when was the Gas Safety Certificate issued?:

Has a Legionella Risk Assessment been carried out at the property?:

If 'Yes' when did the Legionella assessment take place?:

Has an 'Electrical installation condition report' been carried out?:

If 'Yes' when was the electrical wiring checked?:

Section I. Suppliers


Electricity Supplier:

Combined Power & Heat Supplier:

Gas Supplier:

Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG):

LPG Supplier:

Water main or private water supply:

Water Supplier:


Telephone Supplier:

Cable TV or Satellite:

Cable TV/Satillite Supplier:


Broadband/Fibre Supplier:

Septic tank:


If you have a septic tank or cesspool, do you have a maintenance contract in place?:

If 'Yes' who is the contract with?:

Drainage to public sewer:

Section J. Home Automation

Does the property benefit from any Home Automation features\/Installations?:

Please describe the home automation features\/installations including brands.:

Section K. Right of Access

Have you had a dispute with your neighbour at this property which has been resolved or is ongoing?:

Have any of the boundaries of your property been altered within your ownership or (if longer) the last 10 years?:

If 'Yes' provide details of dispute with neighbour.:

If 'Yes' please provide details of alterations of boundaries.:

Is there a current application to alter the boundaries of your property?:

Do you have right of access through any neighbouring homes, buildings or land?:

If 'Yes' please provide details of application to alter boundaries.:

Your Right of Access details:

Do any neighbours have right of access through any part of your house, buildings, or land?:

Is there a public right of way through and\/or across your house, buildings or land?:

Neighbours Right of Access details:

Public Right of Way details:

Section L. Energy Performance Certificate

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC):

What was the date the last EPC was completed?:

What Grade is your EPC?:

Section M. Specialist Issues

Has there ever been any preventative work for dry rot, wet rot or damp carried out at your property?:

Has there ever been any treatment of dry rot, wet rot or damp carried out at your property?:

Prevention - Dry Rot, Wet Rot or Damp Details:

Works - Dry Rot, Wet Rot, Damp Details:

Does any part of your property contain Asbestos?:

Has Japanese Knotweed ever grown within the property boundary or close vicinity?:

Asbestos Details:

Japanese Knotweed Details:

Has the property ever been subject to subsidence?:

Subsidence Details:

Section N. Guarantees

Guarantee Policy details:

Guarantee Claims/Warranty details:

Section O. Notices Affecting The Property

The owner of a neighbouring property has made a planning application?:

Any planning application, that could affect the property or the views?:

Notice informing you that maintenance, repairs or improvements are required to your property?:

Notices affecting the property, please give details.:

Section P. Other Issues Affecting The Property

Has the property been damaged as a result of a storm or fire since you have owned it?:

Is this property subject to an excessive noise or disturbance that a potential tenant should be aware of?:

Damage/Fire - Details & Claims:

Noise/Disturbance - If 'Yes' please give details.:

Has there been any flooding at the property since you have owned it?:

Have you checked the long term flood risk assessment on the website?:

Flood Details - If 'Yes' please provide details:

Flood Risks -please give details of Flood Risks.:

Is this property subject to a Green Deal loan or another financed home improvement scheme?:

Green Deal - If 'Yes' please give details including any outstanding payments for the renewable devices and any feed in tariffs.:

Section Q. Restrictions/Consents

Is there currently a mortgage on the property?:

Have you obtained consent to rent from your mortgage lender?:

Mortgage Consent to Rent Details:

Is there currently a head lease?:

Please upload a copy of the Head Lease and any documents.:

Have you obtained consent to rent from any head lease?:

Head Lease Restriction Details:

Are any tenants going to be restricted access to any parts of the house, or sub-buildings?:

Tenant Access Restriction Details:

Do you plan to or have you arranged for any works to be carried out which may affect the tenant's moving in date or living conditions?:

Arranged Works Details:

Are there any restrictions that would prevent a specific type of tenant (e.g. Pet owners or a smoker) being accepted?:

Tenant Restrictions Details:

Section R. Insurances

Do you have Landlords insurance?:

Do you have Buildings insurance?:

Do you have Contents insurance?:

If 'Yes' please provide the type, insurer and policy number. (List):

Section S. Furniture & Chattels

Please advise what level of furnishing you are planning to rent the property in?:

Would you like to speak with our Concierge Team?:

Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 amended 1993:

Please provide a list of Items for the Inventory?:

Section T. Additional Information

Are you aware of any other covenants, material issues or information?:

Section U. Financials

Where to pay the rent?:

Where to pay the rent - List:

Section V. Financials

Chosen Management Tier:



I/we hereby declare that as the owner (or owner's representative) of this property, I/we have completed this form to the best of my/our knowledge and understand that if I/we have intentionally misled or omitted any information, which may affect the average consumer's transaction decision, I/we may be liable for prosecution under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.

I/We agree to, as soon as practical, update Ezytrac of any change in details that you become aware of whilst Ezytrac is managing your property.

Leave this empty:

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Document name: Landlord's Property Detail Questionnaire
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Timestamp Audit
27 May 2022 3:21 am GMTLandlord's Property Detail Questionnaire Uploaded by Caroline Bevis - IP
27 May 2022 3:22 am GMTCaroline Bevis - added by Brett Alegre-Wood - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
27 May 2022 3:24 am GMTCaroline Bevis - added by Brett Alegre-Wood - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
8 June 2022 2:47 pm GMT Document owner has handed over this document to 2022-06-08 14:47:28 -
8 June 2022 2:47 pm GMTCaroline Bevis - added by Caroline Bevis - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
10 June 2022 9:46 am GMTCaroline Bevis - added by Caroline Bevis - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
30 November 2023 8:36 am GMTCaroline Bevis - added by Caroline Bevis - as a CC'd Recipient Ip: