April 12

Landlord update 11/11/2011

Just wanted to run through a few little updates with you, firstly some of you will have noticed the statement note informing you of the Christmas payment period, if you are paid your rent between the 22th of the month and 4th of the month then there will be a slight delay due to office opening hours and bank holidays, obviously if any rents come in early then we will process them. With regards to tenants calling – we do run an out of hours emergency phone service which I will have during the holiday period for any maintenance issues that may occur.
We are still getting a few queries regarding statements – the new system automatically sends you a text with the amount you are paid and this is linked to an email statement which clearly breaks down your rental account, please read you statement thoroughly and then contact YPC if you still have a question – we can also send you copies of invoices if you so request.
I have been sending tenants updates almost weekly advising them of what I would expect them to do and to complete in the property ie changing bulbs/tap washers/cleaning out washing machines etc – I have been doing this because of the amount of calls that we receive for maintenance issues that are not a landlords responsibility – we received a call from one tenant last week asking us when we were sending someone to clean their windows! Tenants have been advised to email in with any issues as we can spend 20 mins sometimes more on non-emergency calls and then as you can imagine this does not leave a lot of time for actual emergencies. This email system seems to be working OK meaning that we can be more proactive. I have also been quite harsh with tenants with regards to the way that they speak to my team – some of the language would be better placed in a prison! I have been totally straight with them and explained that shouting/swearing/threats and abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.
We will always aim to text/email/call you with any maintenance issues that arise however if it is something minor then we may not – this again is because of the amount of time that going back and forth takes – if we are constantly talking to tenants and then landlords we won’t actually get anything done. If it’s something major then we will discuss with you, but we do act as agents of necessity and as such are able to proceed with your statutory repairing obligations.
I have seen huge changes in Eazytrac since I started in January and I hope that you have too? Brett has been fantastic and realised that when I say I need another body to aid customer service, that its best for the company and for our clients! We have a larger team and tighter systems in place, built up better and stronger relationships with our local agents, this does not mean that we will never have any issues in the future but it does mean that they will be fewer and further between. Also, if and when issues do occur then we will be better placed to sort them quickly!
As per usual if you change any of your details please do let YPC know as soon as you can so that we can keep in touch with you.


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