April 12

Landlord update 16/09/2011

Hi I hope this email finds you well? I would just like to give you a quick update of what we have been doing here in Lincoln:
Brett OK’d for me to have a new database installed here, most of you will be aware of the issues we were having so it was time to bite the bullet, not just for my own sanity but to ensure that we could offer you the best possible service. You will have started to receive the new look statements now and from the feedback that I have had you are finding them clear and concise which is great news!
Payments are sent through for processing at the bank when the statements are sent out , please be aware that we can only have one bank account per landlord, if you have multiple properties and the rents on those properties are processed on the same day then the payment will come through in one but you will have different statements for each property detailing income and any expenditure. Your payments will be processed when Ezytrac receive the rental which should be on the date each month that the tenancy started, if your tenant has requested to pay on a different date each month then you will be advised and sent the difference. If your tenant pays in advance then we will not be forwarding all the monies to you – these will be drip fed to you as and when the rent becomes due. This is to accommodate any maintenance that may be required – if the issue is not under warrantee also if for some reason the tenant moves out early and we re-let the property then you would have to reimburse the previous tenant whereas we can just do it on your behalf from here.
As you are aware from my March update, Ezytrac are now requesting that all agents send us one set of keys for your property, this is happening either at the 1st let stage or re-let stage and they are held in a secure cabinet in the office here in Lincoln.
Utilities are an uphill struggle as some of you know, so Ezytrac are starting to use a company that will contact each service provider to inform them of your tenants move in and move out, this will mean that the amount of bills that we receive will dramatically reduce, this will obviously be implemented at the 1st let stage or re-grant stage. Therefore giving Ezytrac and you less headaches.
My team here is growing to accommodate new business and to ensure that your emails/calls are dealt with in a timely manner, if you email Ezytrac we will aim to respond within 24 hours, if this has not happened for you please do call the office on 01522-503717. Sometimes it is quicker just to give us a quick bell and we will then follow up with an email to confirm what we have discussed.
If you have any questions about the above please do let me know.


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