Ready to get Started?
Portfolio Summary
Track your portfolio and effortlessly plan your next move or effect of a market change, interest rate rise or major life change.

Build for portfolio landlords who want to Set & Forget their portfolio without having to spend a huge amount of time recording data. It has all the data you need in a purpose build and integrated spreadsheet. Perfect for 1 property up to 20 properties.
Property Profit & Loss
Track an Individual property's profit & loss on a monthly basis as well as year to date.

The system uses a series of Nominal Codes to classify and track income and expenses. These are build into our system or you can add your unique codes to the transactions you add.
Portfolio Profit & Loss
Track the entire portfolio's performance with a profit & loss breakdown of each property with year to date totals for the entire portfolio. Perfect to compare properties against each other.

Use the system as the basis for annual portfolio reviews and decision about where to buy, what to buy, and what to sell.
Banking, Rent Collected, Repairs & Maintenance, Ground Rent & Services Charges.
Track and match payments, rents, expenses in their individualised sheets. Easily see what has come in and what has been charged.

Build for portfolio landlords who want to Set & Forget their portfolio without having to spend a huge amount of time recording data. It has all the data you need in a purpose build and integrated spreadsheet. Perfect for 1 property up to 20 properties.
You can download to Excel from Google Sheets, however the compatibility is not guaranteed and no support it provided for the sheet once downloaded. Features like Pivot tables do not play well with the changes and may require manual updating each time you change data. We are also not responsible for the data security.
The software is free to those of Effortless Plus and Effortless Gold Tiers only. If you are on another Tier or an Old Tier you will need to upgreade your tier in order to use the software.
We upload the transaction once per month for all those registered users on our around the 15th of the month (weekend depending in which case it will be the friday before the weekend where the 15th falls) We suggest you leave it until the Monday to check and compare.
If you have an issue with the data contained in the EBA then you can contact us on our ticketing system - To report a bug or issue with the software email -
The plan is to develop this into software that is contained in the landlord site and so we'd love feedback. The plan is to run this for a year or so and build up all the ideas and then build them into our management software. Email your suggestions to
Before the end of the tax year we will be adding all the transaction from April to June and then providing a new tab that calculates based on the nominal codes what each section of your tax return should. This should help with your Accountant in preparing your annual tax.