November 4

London’s Booming Areas For Property Investment

Video Transcription:
Let’s break it down now, we’ve talked about best fundamentals, we’ve talked about you know property doubling. Forget about the doubling side now because actually that’s not I don’t think that’s by any means guaranteed but the point is the places that are likely to go up are in the best areas.
So if you can move to the best areas and so what we have is what’s called the ripple effect pentagon which is how we source property effectively and we know where to. What we do is we look at the market we look at where prices are or have just gone up tremendously and we don’t invest there because what you tend to find is when something goes up a lot it then sits around and is stagnant for awhile. 
London had some massive growth up until 2016 and you know and so London has really been sitting around not doing a lot since 2016. Now we’re actually getting back into London you know but if we have a look here so Zone 1 and 2 is the best fundamentals so that is the area to invest if you can afford it. If you can’t afford it go to London Zone 3, 4, 5. If you can’t afford that Commuter Towns outside London you know. If you can’t afford Major Cities with Universities. You can’t afford that Major Towns now for the Major Towns now my challenge is that I’m not sure they’re really the places to invest and we’ll talk more a bit about that.
This Ripple Effect Pentagon is great for strategy because what you can do is if you start off at your London Zone 1 and 2 and and say you invest there great and then when the market gets too high then move to 3, 4, 5 because that’s the ripple effect and that’s we talk about the ripple effect pentagon. You know effectively the Major Cities for me right now are more like your Manchester’s, your Birmingham’s, your Liverpool maybe Leeds and you know and a few of those sort of those ones there but you know your major ones are where things are happening and we’ll talk a bit more about those.


investment property, UK Property Investors

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