Are we really in for massive radical change or could we just be moving towards a better form of us, a more understanding form of society and humanity? Regardless, easing of restrictions is coming to a street near you soon.
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Let’s get on with so the new norm and what it’s likely to be I think with this one and I’ve started to see lots of people that are focusing on the future which is great news and the interesting thing a lot of it is you know everything seems to go down the negative route which is you know how things are going to change and how radical it’s gonna be the changes and how we’re gonna have to you know adopt this and adopt to that and you know and all these sort of negative things but actually when I look through this and when I look at it what I see is lots of opportunity I see actually not that much of a change not huge changes it’s not like we’re all gonna have to stay at home you know we are gonna be able to go out there we are gonna be out it and there is gonna be adaptations and I think the real amazing thing that I find is actually when you start to look at some of the things some of these things we’ve been talking about anyway okay now yes there’s some washing hands and there’s some social distancing and things like that which you know fair enough okay if you call that radical then you know fine but you know actually when I had a look at it and I had a think and did some research and now spent most of the morning looking through this and what I really come to the assumption was actually it’s you know what it’s probably not going to change things that much.
Yes some opportunity some industries are gonna be impacted some things but even like cruise ships you know I think a lot of people saying all cruise ships are dead I don’t think they are I think cruise ships have a PR issue and I think what they need to do is they need to rebrand their PR about how safe they are and how they’ve changed their ways and things like that but you know what that’s not that big an issue for what is you know a billion-pound industry a year you know it’s actually not that big a deal you know so look it’s a bigger deal from a cash flow perspective absolutely but what I’m saying is the rebranding of that you know I think they will survive and I think what will happen is that you’ll see this and you know it’s a bit like 9/11. 9/11 hit and everyone said right that’s it for air travel yeah and what happened they put in all these measures for safety and security and now air travel is predicted double in size now a lot of people saying I know people it won’t be the same and that and I agree to some level.
Traditionally you know air travel is much more about all the money in the air travel is from the premium customers I think a lot of the business travel, not a lot but some of that maybe 20% will be down because what will happen is companies realize
you don’t need to travel you can stay around but anyway
So let’s take a look at this to start off from what I’m gonna do is I want to show you what the WHO’s lifting lockdown criteria is and what they’re saying so basically look they’re saying transmission has to be controlled the health system capabilities yeah to detect test isolate and treat and then trace every contact okay now a lot of the guys that have got it under control and countries into that control are doing this successfully already okay outbreak risks and minimize in special settings so you talked about health facilities nursing homes things like that so they pop their procedures are gonna change quite a bit you know preventative measures in places like schools and workplaces and things like that things like which you know if you live in if you live in Asia this happens everywhere anyway your temperature taking you get your hands you know disinfecting in your hands and your wipe your hands you know importation risks and manage so you what you’ll find is I think will probably have like this traffic light system where is if you’ve had it you know it or you haven’t been checked in the last 24 days you know probably what happened or so it’s 14 days you’re probably not allowed a travel so you’ve probably got to get to a doctor who or who says yes you’re okay and then you’ll be able to travel you know communities that are fully educated engaged in power I think to be fair that’s already starting to happen you know we’re already seeing that people really do understand and and are actually following me a lot of these sort of things.
I mean it was amazing I went to have a few beers with the boys this is back before the lockdown when I last was in London and you know things were starting to get serious but what I noticed was there was a line coming out of the guy’s toilets which never in my life have I seen a line for the boy’s toilets girls thoughts different story be I’ve never seen a line coming out why because everybody was lining up to your hands so you know is that such a radical change well guys it is probably you guys but look you know I think these changes are not so radical.
I think you know things like working from home we’ve been testing with it and you know what I find people either love it or hate it personally I prefer if I need to get real focused time I prefer to do it at home without the distractions without the kids and things like that but actually if I am doing you know socializing work and I have had meetings I’m far much rather do in the office you know I miss being in an office everyday I’m sure lots of people do you know they enjoy getting out of the house hold on having that work life as well as a home life you know so yeah you know virtual meetings what I think the big thing is going to become we’re all gonna be home more health-conscious and I’ll tell you this is an interesting because Aust chatting to a lot of my leadership and management and the guys you know the word from him we’re talking about the fact that what I was sick of was guys getting sick and basically coming back far too early so rather than taking you know three days off and getting over it so a common common cold or flu they would actually be back after a day coughing and spluttering blowing their nose putting their you know things ever and then what happens it goes through the whole office so I think things like that will change it’ll be a case of you sick I work from home for the rest of the week you know so you get better yes you’re still going to be working but you’re gonna be working at home so you’re not spreading it and that way less people get sick you know and actually that can be more productive you know.
It’s an amazing thing you know that’s sort of side of things so I think you know when we start to look at these sort of things but look let’s start looking at some specific industries about the new norm well I think medicine you know medicine we’re gonna have masks you know we’re gonna be washing hands social distancing everything but I think what you’re gonna find is a lot more telemedicine in other words you don’t have to go to the doctor half of things you don’t have to go to the doctor what you need to do is sit down on him so he can write your prescription and ask you five questions you can do that on skype he can do that virtually yeah and then write it out fill it out and then send it to your chosen wherever they go and pick it up you know or even better you know there’ll be services I’m sure like uber where you basically they order the prescription and deliver it to you you know why shouldn’t this happen there’s always been regulatory concerns but it’s amazing how they can be lifted in a circumstance like this so you know a lot of these sort of things they already exist you know but we’ve been forced into making them happen and I think that actually is something that is a good thing you know if you’re talking about security and travel you know I think one of the big things is big data is gonna start tracking is you know Big Brother you know whether you likrit or not 1984 is coming you know whether we turn into the 1984 Hunger Games we’ll see you know but the reality is Big Data you know your apps you know I have an app on my mobile right now that has basically track tracked me wherever I go and if I come across somebody who’s ill and they want to contact me they can you know you’ve got things like the traffic light system in China which is working actually very well if you’re in an area that has had it they put you red for 14 days which means you can’t go and do stuff you basically quarantine at home if you are orange then you’re a little bit restricted you still go out for meals and things like not meals for food and things like that green you’re free you know so this I think is gonna become the new norm.
I mean obviously then they’ll be you know look there are lots and lots of human rights issues and things like that but right now that’s not the major issue is how do we navigate this next two years okay because I know they’re saying 12 18 months before the vaccine but then they’re going to produce a vaccine they’re gonna get it out then you know so there’s a lot more to this is gonna be the new norm for a little while but I don’t think it’s gonna be that dramatic and that radical and that much to worry about I think we’ve all got to do our bit and not be stupid about it I think things like nightclubs and dating and that that’s gonna be an interesting one.
I must say but we’ll see you know where that goes look I think one of the interesting things is the travel ban with travelling because obviously what might happen is say there’s a flare-up in the UK well you might find that actually a lot of countries just go right UK people you come yeah or you have to get checked before you leave you know test before you leave you know at the airport and if you’ve got it then you know land leave you know so things like this whilst to change you know it might be when you go through security also get a check and there’s you know instantaneous recognition you know so they’ll be you know anybody checks and things like that but you know so these sort of things are really dramatic so I mean if we look at say education you know one of the things I think is gonna be interesting with education is right now foreign students are going to be under threat where a lot of them have often gone home you know they’ve left you know I mean it’s gonna be interesting to see what happens with the UK, Auzzie the US where a lot of the money they make is from foreign students now are they gonna be able to continue this because number one is for instance the Chinese really want to go back to Australia when they’re being treated like crap you know the US when they’re being treated like crap I don’t think it’s been so prevalent in the UK I haven’t really heard much of it but this is the sort of things but I think the other thing is what you might find is that they’re splitting between distance learning and on-campus learning and I think what you might find is there’s some opportunity for some more like summer camp type arrangements on campus and so you do social either your distance learning wherever you are and then you go maybe once a semester and do a two-week stint there you know so you’re not there all the time or you might find that actually it’s the high-end places that do you know that the on-campus but again you might find that they change you know distant learning I think is gonna be a big one and it’s gonna be online learning as people to eat more and more use to it so you know there’ll be opportunities.
In terms of the property side of things I think we’re already starting to see the property side now I think the big thing for me is that the virtual tours virtual viewings all that sort of stuff the capabilities are there I think now there’s a recognition that actually I don’t mean to go there I can just look at it online and then maybe what I do is I do all my searching online and then I shortlist down to my three and then I pick one of those three which kind of happens already but actually in we what we have
to do is we’re gonna do a lot more viewings because the data that we put online is not that good well the data I think needs to get better and I think this is what’s gonna happen and someone who makes the data that’s available I mean I look at the Singapore and the data that I can get from Singapore you know if you’re on an individual flat or house or whatever it’s incredible yeah then I go to Australia I can get good data as well I go to the UK it is the worst place I’ve ever seen to get data
it needs to pick up its act you know and my challenge is the government isn’t going to do that don’t rely on Land Registry to do that I think what you’re gonna start to see is maybe the portals you know maybe Rightmove, Zoopla maybe actually a new a new person because actually Rightmove and Zoopla big dinosaurs they’re not very innovative I use the Zoopla they’re all tow system and I have to say it’s so archaic in their approach it’s ridiculous you know I mean I can’t believe it this is their new cloud-based system that is so ok in every way that they’ve designed it you know it looks like it’s been designed by a 60 year old who you know it was on the way out and used to use DOS that’s the level of thinking right now yes there’s a lot of new upstarts in that but I think we really need to look at that data and how we get the data it’d be good if a government led that I think they should but I think what you might find is it ends up being a Facebook or a LinkedIn or you know who knows or some offshoot of you know Google or whatever I don’t know but I think the high street is probably going to struggle more because people aren’t gonna have to go there you know there’ll be a lot of these platforms that start up and take over you know so there’s a lot more space for platforms now we’ll see you know where that goes.
But you know I think overall I don’t think we need to worry too much about that I mean it’s interesting if we look at you know actual new norm and how things might change let’s take a restaurant for instance you know what you’re gonna find is temperature checks on entry yeah and if you’re too high you get rejected this already happens in Asia you know in a lot of places in Asia you know disinfect your hands on entry so you have to actually they squirt your hands and you’ve washed them while you’re there you know that happens but I think what you’ll find is you know for giving you a paper menu they’ll have to throw the paper menu out or they’ll say here’s the app menu go on order online and then it orders all of a sudden now this is the push to automation you know so a lot of this sort of stuff now the issue you have to with the social distancing in a restaurant is if they start social distancing which means you can put more heads you know and over lunch and dinner you’ve only a restricted time period how they’re going to make profit because they’re gonna need more space yeah to put the same amount of people and to make the same amount of profit so this is where I think some of these things are going to be an interesting transition you know.
So it’s quite interesting but I don’t think and I’m a big believer that we don’t learn our lessons very well number one I think we go back and we repeat the same lessons over again history repeats that you know I studied ancient history and I studied modern history and you see that over and over and over again but the reality is also you very rarely find things are as
bad as their first made out to be and I think looking at it and just thinking about it a lot of the stuff and a lot of the proposals and all of the new norms that people are talking about actually aren’t that bloody hard you know so I don’t think we need to be afraid of it I think we need to embrace it and I think the more we embrace it then the less likely we are to had that second wave sweep through and the third wave street sweep through like we had in the Spanish flu I think we have a lot better understanding now of these type of pandemics and things like that and I think after this initial wave it’s likely to be that they will well I think the places like us probably won’t want to shut down so potentially they could you know but I think a lot of other places will create this new norm that actually means we probably won’t get a second or third wave in anywhere near I
mean the Spanish flu the second wave was the by far the worst and I think that was because they didn’t really understand things I didn’t understand it after the first wave what had happened so then they fell straight back into the second wave yeah and then they had a third wave obviously over two years I think this is going to be the next two years at least.
But a lot of things I think will substantially change the way we operate as a species in interactions with nature all the sort of things and we’ll start questioning but yeah guys so that’s my thoughts on the new norm I don’t think we need to be worried about I think we need to embrace it I think it’s pretty positive some of these things and certainly you know I’m looking at making changes in the way we do business with you know work from home and with things like that and embracing them a lot more and it’s not just work from home it’s automation it’s you know whole range of things around you know getting more lifestyle to our to our staff and to our team and you know and really challenging them to live a life that is fulfilling as opposed to just come to work go home come to work go home and their work and their play you know their home life and their work and not the same thing so if you’re one of my staff out there watching here you’ll probably you’ve probably used that against me but you know what fantastic because I think this is now the time where we can make changes this is now the time where we can embrace things and interesting totally Assaf this new norm but I do think and I think what we’re gonna start to see is people starting to embrace their health more than just their career and potentially you know the environment and climate change and things like this because this all has a part to play in this pandemic and how we’re interacting but look guys that’s me for today have a great day stay safe stay healthy and stay at home and we’ll see you tomorrow see you later bye
April 16